Welcome to Kanna Ashrai Foundation
12 years of unparalleled Selfless Service for Differently abled Children and Helpless Women
Aims and Objectives
The objective of Kanna Ashrai Foundation is very clear to caring and nuturing environment and to provide special education to mentally challenged children.
To empower helpless women through employment generation.
To promote education and health concepts, etc
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
Vision and Mission
The quality of life of every person with mental retardation is equal to that of other citizens in the country in that they live independently to the maximum extent possible.
Through constant professional endeavors, empowering the persons with mental retardation to access the state-of the-art rehabilitation intervention viz.,educational, therapeutic, vocational, employment, leisure and social, sports and cultural programmes and full participation.
Vision and Mission
The quality of life of every person with mental retardation is equal to that of other citizens in the country in that they live independently to the maximum extent possible.
Through constant professional endeavors, empowering the persons with mental retardation to access the state-of the-art rehabilitation intervention viz.,educational, therapeutic, vocational, employment, leisure and social, sports and cultural programmes and full participation.

Established modern therapeutic units and occupational therapies.
Recruit of caretakers for residential purpose.
Organized door to door visits of households of mentally challenged children in surrounding villages.
Developed Early Intervention block for boys and girls.

This foundation has conducted Independence Day celebrations, Teachers day, Children’s day, Disabled day, Republic day celebration. Benniah D.Ed College Burugupudi, Divya D.Ed College Rajanagaram lecturers and students and parents of the children, people representatives and other voluntary organization.

Outdoor visits
They have been made visits to other voluntary organizations, parks nurseries at Kadiyam and Garden Parties was conducted at Bommuru village. Children have been taken to colleges, schools, cinema halls, temples etc., At that time the children feels refreshed and get used to the surroundings. They felt happy.

Medical camps
This foundation has conducted free Medical camps for those people who lives in surrounding to this Ashrai. And educate that people for their health and give free medicine. The good physician treats the disease, the great physician treats the patient who has the disease. each and every family utilized this camp.

Children are treated under the age group of 0-6 years.
Children are given training in self help goals like Toileting, Wearing clothes, mixing of food, puzzling, identification of colour combinations of animals, vegetables, fruits and human body parts. Thirteen children are divided into two groups.

Children are treated under the age group of 7-12 Years
Children are given training in behavior modifications, more learning techniques in self-help goals and made them understanding themselves and identification of individuals, various objects like identification of color combinations.

Under the age group of 12-16 years, the students are given special training in Paper cutting, writing of small words, colouring of objects, identification of numbers and one rupee to 5 rupee coins.And also given training in handling of individual needs like wearing and buttoning of clothes.

Pre- Vocational
Under the age group of 15-18 years, the students are given special training in writing of names, school name, other essential words like village name, father and mother name, mentioning of phone numbers and doing additions, subtractions and tables. Girls are given special training in cooking habits.
The children above 18 years are placed in vocational training to learn simple concepts of candle making, phenyl making, leaf making, agarbarthi, tailoring, etc.
Students are given training in work adjustment skills, job-oriented skills, obey the instructions and concentration while attending work.
The objective in vocational training is that these children are given training not to depend on others and they are made self sufficient to work with skills which were learned and doing independently whenever opportunity for placements to these special students. Around fifteen students are given training in vocational and they are divided into two groups. (one group in the morning and one group in the afternoon).

Speech Therapy
Speech Therapist has given therapy to around 20 trainees in breathing exercises, massage to cheeks and tongue moments, lower jaw moments, articulation tongue voice modulation etc.
In speech therapy the trainees have been very much improved and they are able to tell small words after given suitable therapy. Speech therapy also given to the outside cases and they are coming for follow-up for two days in a week.

Physio therapy
PhysioTherapist has given therapy to around 25 trainees in Passive movements, active movements, stretching exercises, particular positions, prescription of specific exercises, electro therapy like ultra sound, electrical muscle stimulator, hydro therapy, etc.
In Physio therapy the trainees have been improved and they are able to sit stand and walk with out support after given suitable Physio therapy. Physio therapy also given to the out side cases and they are coming for follow-up for two days in a week.

Psychologist commonly observes behavior problems in children with mental retardation. Psychologist has given behavior modification techniques to Mentally Challenged Children. Psychologist closely observes the child at the time of joining and gives techniques to teachers as well as parents. Periodical observations are being conducted and proper guidance was given to the teachers by the Psychologist.

Hydro Therapy
Hydro Therapy was provided to all the students twice in a week. This is very much useful for physical movements and to avoid hydro fobio. Using fresh bore water to maintain hygienic atmosphere while therapy was given.
Kanna Ashrai Foundation established at Burugupudi, Near Airport, East Godavari District has been registered under the A.P.Societies Registration Act (No.3512001) in the year 2009 with an aim to establish institution for Mentally Challenged Children. The main responsibility is to educate them through Special training and to build confidence in them to live independently to the maximum extent possible.
The Foundation nestled on 2 acres land, 10 Kms. Away from Rajahmundry located in a eco-friendly atmosphere.
The Founder President SMT. Gandi Shakuntala Devi has 30 years old-son who is Mentally Challenged had an inspiration to provide care and nurturing environment to such children and to sensitize the parents of such children from rural and urban areas of Rajahmundry and from surrounding 10 to 15 Villages.

Out-reach services
The teaching staff along with other assistants have conducted individual household survey in Rajahmundry rural and urban areas and also covered Korukonda, Gokavaram and Seetaanagaram mandals. Around hundred households were visited and identified MR children. Around 10 new Mentally Challenged children were joined in the institution for the year 2018-2019 and adding to the strength of previous students.
Sensitization: Created awareness among parents of MR Children in several areas by explaining instutionalise care by trained teachers. Parents have responded positively and sending their children to this special school.
Organized parents meetings: Parent meetings are organized in two phases. At the time of Clinical assessment in the foundation and at the time of concluding classes for the year 2018-2019. The parents have very much impressed about the services offered by the foundation for the betterment of MR children.
Mentally challenged children and helpless women
(Registered Under Societies Registration Act
D. No. 2-251/2, Burugupudi, Near Airport,
KorukondaMandal, E.G.Dist.. Exempted from I.T. under section (5)(v)&(vi of I.T. Act, 1961, valid from28-10-2010